Thou art my All in all, O Lord!―The Life of my life, the Essence of essence;
In the three worlds I have none else but Thee to call my own.
Thou art my peace, my joy, my hope; Thou my support, my wealth, my glory;
Thou my wisdom and my strength; Thou art my home, my place of rest;
My dearest friend, my next of kin; my present and my future,
Thou my heaven and my salvation; Thou art my scriptures my commandments;
Thou art my ever gracious Guru; Thou the Spring of my boundless bliss.
Thou art the Way and Thou the Goal; Thou the Adorable One, O Lord!
Thou art the Mother tender-hearted; Thou the chastising Father;
Thou the Creator and Protector; Thou the Helms man who dost steer
My craft across the sea of life.