October 12, 2013

Puja Season

Mahisasura Hymn to the Divine Mother Durga

O' daughter of the mountains, 
who makes the whole world happy, 
who makes all the universe rejoice, 
who bestows boons upon the gods, 
who defeats the undisciplined, 
who tolerates the ignorant, 
who is ever rejoicing,
who nourishes the three worlds,
who pleases Shankara,
who removes sins,
who inhabits the sound Om,
whose wrath befalls the progeny of the demons,
who destroys those drunk on the intoxicant of pride,
who is daughter of the Ocean.
O' mother of the world, my mother
Victory, victory to Thee,
O' slayer of the Buffalo demon,
Victory, daughter of the Himalayas, 
with beautifully plaited hair.

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