April 5, 2015

Jesus and the Resurrection

Hail glorious day so long foretold,
With joy we greet thy light;
Our hearts are all attuned to praise
For earth seems glad and bright,
Today among the choirs of heaven
Break forth the sweet refrain;
Praise to the Lord of Paradise,
Who died, but rose again.

Hail glorious Easter day!
That saw our Saviour burst the tomb,
And death despotic sway.
Our Saviour slept, while Mary wept
But rose this blessed day.

Dear Jesus, source of life and love,
To Thee our songs ascend;
Thou art to us a guiding star,
Our elder brother, Friend,
This earth would be a dreary waste,
A wilderness of pain;
But for the peace and love of Him,
Who died, but rose again.

Hail glorious Easter day!
That saw our Saviour burst the tomb,
And death despotic sway.
Our Saviour slept, while Mary wept
But rose this blessed day.

And when at last Thy welcome voice,
Shall softly bid us “Come;”
Then shall our trusting hearts rejoice,
To hear Thy “welcome home,”
And in that blessed home above,
We’ll join the sweet refrain;
And all our praise to Thee be given,
Who died, and rose again. 

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